

Miranda Records, LLC

Our Vision

Music is an ever-changing art form and we take pride in being part of the constant renewal of styles and beats from the world over.
Our company was founded in 2001, and we strive to bring you high-quality music and video products and personal service.
We give the music creators total freedom to express their ideas.Providing good music means taking the time to listen.
We work with songwriters every step of the way to ensure you receive their best music.
We hope you find the music and the performances you like on this site, and also inspire your curiosity to listen to something new.
L F Miranda

La música es una forma de arte siempre cambiante y nos sentimos orgullosos de ser parte de la renovación constante de los estilos y ritmos de todo el mundo.
Nuestra compañia fue fundada en 2001 y nos esforzamos para ofrecerle música de alta calidad y productos de video y actuaciones de los intérpretes.
Nuetros estilos de musica son del propio compositor. Damos al creador de la música absoluta libertad para expresar sus ideas.
Proveer buena música significa tomar tiempo para escuchar. Trabajamos con compositores a cada paso del camino para asegurar que usted reciba su mejor música.
Esperamos que encuentre la música y las actuaciones que le gustan en este sitio y logremos despertar su curiosidad de escuchar algo nuevo.
L F Miranda

Luis Fernando started his music career with the rock band La Cruz de Tijuana. Click the links above to watch a live perfomance and listen to his most recent interview, both in Spanish, with Ulysses Ozeata.

10048 Baltimore Ave, Saint Louis, MO, 63074, (314)429-7122




Click the Buy Now link below to purchase the album DINERO.





Saturday, October 2, 2021

Just Getting Started

Hello Everyone! Sorry for the delay in the website development,but we are working hard to get up and running. Please feel free to comment on our blog! We would love to hear what you think about the Dinero album!

Rock on!


3:59 pm cdt          Comments

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